Understand folder structure of Vuexy Django and everything contains with description.
Once you unzip the package downloaded from marketplace/store, you will find folder which contains pre-compiled and source code flavors.
├── 📂 template-config > Contains demo configuration files
├── 📂 full-version > Template with all our features, page, and apps.
├── 📂 starter-kit > Starter-kit is a minimal template from where you can start your project quickly
└── 📄 documentation > Redirect you to our live documentation
Below folder structure is same for full-version and starter-kit.
├── 📂 apps > Django app modules, which are individual components or features of your Django project.
├── 📂 auth > Cantain Auth structure files such as (urls, views, modal, helpers).py.
├── 📂 config > Contains django project configuration.
│ ├── 📄 asgi.py > ASGI server configuration.
│ ├── 📄 context_processors.py > Custom context processors for templates.
│ ├── 📄 settings.py > Django project settings.
│ ├── 📄 template.py > Template-related configuration (Personalize/Customize the project).
│ ├── 📄 urls.py > URL routing configuration.
│ └── 📄 wsgi.py > WSGI server configuration.
├── 📂 locale > Directory for localization files, including translations and internationalization resources.
├── 📂 nginx > Configuration files for the Nginx web server, used as a reverse proxy in front of Django applications.
├── 📂 src > Front-end assets source
│ ├── 📂 assets > Contain template static & generated assets
│ ├── 📂 fonts > Template Font-icons
│ ├── 📂 js > Core JS(ES6) files
│ ├── 📂 libs > Third-party libs i.e datatable, full-calender etc...
│ ├── 📂 scss > Core SCSS
│ ├── 📂 tasks > Gulp tasks
│ ├── 📄 build-config.js > Build config file for asset generation
│ ├── 📄 gulpfile.js > Gulpfile
│ ├── 📄 package.json > Containing essential details like project metadata, dependencies, and scripts for tasks such as building, testing, and starting servers.
│ └── 📄 webpack.config.js > Webpack file to transpile & bundle JS files.
├── 📂 templates > Django template files organized into subdirectories, typically including layouts and partials for rendering HTML.
│ ├── 📂 auth > Auth html files
│ ├── 📂 layouts
│ └── 📂 partials
├── 📂 web_project > Project-specific code and utilities.
│ ├── 📂 template_helpers > Django template helpers.
│ └── 📂 template_tags > Django template tags.
├── 📄 .editorconfig > Configuration file for code editors to maintain consistent coding styles and formatting.
├── 📄 .env > Environment variables configuration file.
├── 📄 .env.prod > Environment variables specific to the production environment.
├── 📄 .gitattributes > Git attributes file for specifying how Git should handle files.
├── 📄 .gitignore > Git ignore rules to exclude files and directories from version control.
├── 📄 .dockerignore > Docker-specific rules for excluding files and directories when building Docker images.
├── 📄 .prettierignore > Rules for Prettier code formatter to ignore specific files and directories.
├── 📄 .prettierrc.json > Configuration file for Prettier.
├── 📄 db.sqlite3 > The default SQLite database used during development.
├── 📄 docker-compose.yml > Docker Compose configuration file for managing containers and services.
├── 📄 Dockerfile > Docker image configuration.
├── 📄 manage.py > Django's command-line tool for managing various aspects of the project.
└── 📄 requirements.txt > A list of Python dependencies required for your Django project.