Perfect Scrollbar

Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
Read the official Perfect Scrollbar Documentation for a full list of instructions and other options.


In order to use perfect scrollbar on your page, It is required to include the following vendors css in the "Vendors CSS" area from the page's header:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/vendor/libs/perfect-scrollbar/perfect-scrollbar.css" />

Include the following vendors script in the "Vendors JS" area from the page's footer:

<script src="../../assets/vendor/libs/perfect-scrollbar/perfect-scrollbar.js"><script>



Apply a specific height & position: relative; styles and Initialize it like this : new PerfectScrollbar(El); to create an element with perfect scrollbar

Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.

Marzipan oat cake caramels chocolate. Lemon drops cheesecake jelly beans sweet icing pudding croissant. Donut candy canes carrot cake soufflé. Croissant candy wafer pie I love oat cake lemon drops caramels jujubes. I love macaroon halvah liquorice cake. Danish sweet roll pudding cookie sweet roll I love. Jelly cake I love bear claw jujubes dragée gingerbread. I love cotton candy carrot cake halvah biscuit I love macaroon cheesecake tootsie roll. Chocolate cotton candy biscuit I love fruitcake cotton candy biscuit tart gingerbread. Powder oat cake I love. Cheesecake candy canes macaroon I love wafer I love sweet roll ice cream. Toffee cookie macaroon lemon drops tart candy canes. Gummies gummies pie tiramisu I love bear claw cheesecake.

Marzipan oat cake caramels chocolate. Lemon drops cheesecake jelly beans sweet icing pudding croissant. Donut candy canes carrot cake soufflé. Croissant candy wafer pie I love oat cake lemon drops caramels jujubes. I love macaroon halvah liquorice cake. Danish sweet roll pudding cookie sweet roll I love. Jelly cake I love bear claw jujubes dragée gingerbread. I love cotton candy carrot cake halvah biscuit I love macaroon cheesecake tootsie roll. Chocolate cotton candy biscuit I love fruitcake cotton candy biscuit tart gingerbread. Powder oat cake I love. Cheesecake candy canes macaroon I love wafer I love sweet roll ice cream. Toffee cookie macaroon lemon drops tart candy canes. Gummies gummies pie tiramisu I love bear claw cheesecake.

Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.

Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.

Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.

<div class="card overflow-hidden mb-6" style="height: 300px;">
  <div class="card-body" id="vertical-example">
    <p>Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.</p>
    <p>Marzipan oat cake caramels chocolate. Lemon drops cheesecake jelly beans sweet icing pudding croissant. Donut candy canes carrot cake soufflé. Croissant candy wafer pie I love oat cake lemon drops caramels jujubes. I love macaroon halvah liquorice cake. Danish sweet roll pudding cookie sweet roll I love. Jelly cake I love bear claw jujubes dragée gingerbread. I love cotton candy carrot cake halvah biscuit I love macaroon cheesecake tootsie roll. Chocolate cotton candy biscuit I love fruitcake cotton candy biscuit tart gingerbread. Powder oat cake I love. Cheesecake candy canes macaroon I love wafer I love sweet roll ice cream. Toffee cookie macaroon lemon drops tart candy canes. Gummies gummies pie tiramisu I love bear claw cheesecake.</p>
    <p>Marzipan oat cake caramels chocolate. Lemon drops cheesecake jelly beans sweet icing pudding croissant. Donut candy canes carrot cake soufflé. Croissant candy wafer pie I love oat cake lemon drops caramels jujubes. I love macaroon halvah liquorice cake. Danish sweet roll pudding cookie sweet roll I love. Jelly cake I love bear claw jujubes dragée gingerbread. I love cotton candy carrot cake halvah biscuit I love macaroon cheesecake tootsie roll. Chocolate cotton candy biscuit I love fruitcake cotton candy biscuit tart gingerbread. Powder oat cake I love. Cheesecake candy canes macaroon I love wafer I love sweet roll ice cream. Toffee cookie macaroon lemon drops tart candy canes. Gummies gummies pie tiramisu I love bear claw cheesecake.</p>
    <p>Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.</p>
    <p>Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.</p>
    <p class="mb-0">Sweet roll I love I love. Tiramisu I love soufflé cake tart sweet roll cotton candy cookie. Macaroon biscuit dessert. Bonbon cake soufflé jelly gummi bears lemon drops. Chocolate bar I love macaroon danish candy pudding. Jelly carrot cake I love tart cake bear claw macaroon candy candy canes. Muffin gingerbread sweet jujubes croissant sweet roll. Topping muffin carrot cake sweet. Toffee chocolate muffin I love croissant. Donut carrot cake ice cream ice cream. Wafer I love pie danish marshmallow cheesecake oat cake pie I love. Icing pie chocolate marzipan jelly ice cream cake.</p>
new PerfectScrollbar(document.getElementById('vertical-example'), {
  wheelPropagation: false


Perfect Scrollbar will automatically detect and horizontal scrollbar if required.

<div class="card overflow-hidden mb-6" style="height: 300px;">
  <div class="card-body" id="horizontal-example">
    <img src="..." alt="scrollbar-image" />
new PerfectScrollbar(document.getElementById('horizontal-example'), {
  suppressScrollY: true,
  wheelPropagation: false

Horizontal & Vertical

<div class="card overflow-hidden" style="height: 500px;">
  <div class="card-body" id="both-scrollbars-example">
    <img src="..." alt="scrollbar-image" />
new PerfectScrollbar(document.getElementById('both-scrollbars-example'), {
  wheelPropagation: false
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