Custom options are visually easy to understand. Vuexy provides custom options component which are the basically the extended version of checkbox and radio.
This custom components use the .custom-option-content
, .custom-option-header
and .custom-option-body
classes to apply styles.
It has three different variants as below
Option | Class |
Custom option basic | class="custom-option custom-option-basic" |
Custom option icon/svg | class="custom-option custom-option-icon" |
Custom option image | class="custom-option custom-option-image" |
Custom options use initCustomOptionCheck()
helper function to manage checked options. It's mandatory to initialize it first.
as initCustomOptionCheck()
usage the closest element to apply checked class.Basic
Use class .custom-option-basic
with .custom-option
and add an icon inside body to create a custom option radio with icon.
<div class="row w-75">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-basic">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioTemp1">
<input name="customRadioTemp" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioTemp1" checked />
<span class="custom-option-header">
<span class="h6 mb-0">Basic</span>
<span class="custom-option-body">
<small>Get 1 project with 1 teams members.</small>
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-basic">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioTemp2">
<input name="customRadioTemp" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioTemp2" />
<span class="custom-option-header">
<span class="h6 mb-0">Premium</span>
<span>$ 5.00</span>
<span class="custom-option-body">
<small>Get 5 projects with 5 team members.</small>
Use class .custom-option-icon
with .custom-option
and add an icon inside body to create a custom option radio with icon.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioIcon1">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<i class="icon-base ti tabler-rocket"></i>
<span class="custom-option-title">Starter</span>
<small> Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o.</small>
<input name="customRadioIcon" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioIcon1" checked />
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioIcon2">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<i class="icon-base ti tabler-star"></i>
<span class="custom-option-title"> Personal </span>
<small> Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o. </small>
<input name="customRadioIcon" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioIcon2" />
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioIcon3">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<i class="icon-base ti tabler-briefcase"></i>
<span class="custom-option-title"> Enterprise </span>
<small>Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o.</small>
<input name="customRadioIcon" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioIcon3" />
SVG Icons
Creating Custom Options with SVG is same as creating custom options with icons all you have to do is place SVG instead of an icon.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioSvg1">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<svg width="41" height="40" viewBox="0 0 41 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M22.9744 6.12736C22.6916 6.4134 22.4218 6.90878 22.1938 7.59469C21.9711 8.26486 21.8162 9.03022 21.7107 9.77016C21.6213 10.3965 21.5697 10.9873 21.5399 11.4601C22.0127 11.4304 22.6035 11.3787 23.2298 11.2893C23.9698 11.1838 24.7351 11.0289 25.4053 10.8062C26.0912 10.5782 26.5866 10.3084 26.8726 10.0256C27.3886 9.50886 27.6784 8.80843 27.6784 8.07813C27.6784 7.34706 27.388 6.64593 26.871 6.12899C26.3541 5.61204 25.6529 5.32162 24.9219 5.32162C24.1916 5.32162 23.4911 5.61143 22.9744 6.12736ZM27.5781 10.7344L28.2852 11.4415C29.1772 10.5495 29.6784 9.33963 29.6784 8.07813C29.6784 6.81663 29.1772 5.60679 28.2852 4.71477C27.3932 3.82276 26.1834 3.32162 24.9219 3.32162C23.6604 3.32162 22.4505 3.82276 21.5585 4.71477L21.5554 4.71789C21.0928 5.18463 20.7539 5.78792 20.5 6.40993C20.2461 5.78792 19.9071 5.18463 19.4445 4.71789L19.4445 4.71789L19.4414 4.71477C18.5494 3.82276 17.3395 3.32162 16.078 3.32162C14.8165 3.32162 13.6067 3.82276 12.7147 4.71477C11.8227 5.60679 11.3215 6.81663 11.3215 8.07813C11.3215 9.33963 11.8227 10.5495 12.7147 11.4415L13.4218 10.7344L12.7178 11.4446C12.7366 11.4633 12.7557 11.4817 12.775 11.5H6.75C5.50736 11.5 4.5 12.5074 4.5 13.75V18.75C4.5 19.9926 5.50736 21 6.75 21H7V31.25C7 31.8467 7.23705 32.419 7.65901 32.841C8.08097 33.2629 8.65326 33.5 9.25 33.5H20.5H31.75C32.3467 33.5 32.919 33.263 33.341 32.841C33.763 32.419 34 31.8467 34 31.25V21H34.25C35.4926 21 36.5 19.9926 36.5 18.75V13.75C36.5 12.5074 35.4926 11.5 34.25 11.5H28.2249C28.2442 11.4817 28.2633 11.4633 28.2821 11.4446L27.5781 10.7344ZM6.75 13.5C6.61193 13.5 6.5 13.6119 6.5 13.75V18.75C6.5 18.8881 6.61193 19 6.75 19H8H19.5V13.5H6.75ZM21.5 13.5V19H33H34.25C34.3881 19 34.5 18.8881 34.5 18.75V13.75C34.5 13.6119 34.3881 13.5 34.25 13.5H21.5ZM19.5 21H9V31.25C9 31.3163 9.02634 31.3799 9.07322 31.4268C9.12011 31.4737 9.18369 31.5 9.25 31.5H19.5V21ZM21.5 31.5V21H32V31.25C32 31.3163 31.9737 31.3799 31.9268 31.4268C31.8799 31.4737 31.8163 31.5 31.75 31.5H21.5ZM15.5946 10.8062C14.9087 10.5782 14.4133 10.3084 14.1273 10.0256C13.6113 9.50886 13.3215 8.80843 13.3215 8.07813C13.3215 7.34706 13.6119 6.64593 14.1289 6.12899C14.6458 5.61204 15.347 5.32162 16.078 5.32162C16.8083 5.32162 17.5088 5.61143 18.0256 6.12736C18.3083 6.4134 18.5781 6.90878 18.8061 7.59469C19.0288 8.26486 19.1837 9.03022 19.2892 9.77016C19.3786 10.3965 19.4303 10.9873 19.46 11.4601C18.9872 11.4304 18.3964 11.3787 17.7701 11.2893C17.0301 11.1838 16.2648 11.0289 15.5946 10.8062Z"
fill="currentColor" />
d="M33 20V31.25C33 31.5815 32.8683 31.8995 32.6339 32.1339C32.3995 32.3683 32.0815 32.5 31.75 32.5H9.25C8.91848 32.5 8.60054 32.3683 8.36612 32.1339C8.1317 31.8995 8 31.5815 8 31.25V20H33Z"
opacity="0.2" />
<span class="custom-option-title"> Design </span>
<small>Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o.</small>
<input name="customRadioSvg" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioSvg1" checked />
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioSvg2">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<svg width="41" height="40" viewBox="0 0 41 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M14 33.75V11.25H6.5C6.16848 11.25 5.85054 11.3817 5.61612 11.6161C5.3817 11.8505 5.25 12.1685 5.25 12.5V32.5C5.25 32.8315 5.3817 33.1495 5.61612 33.3839C5.85054 33.6183 6.16848 33.75 6.5 33.75H14ZM26.5 33.75V11.25H34C34.3315 11.25 34.6495 11.3817 34.8839 11.6161C35.1183 11.8505 35.25 12.1685 35.25 12.5V32.5C35.25 32.8315 35.1183 33.1495 34.8839 33.3839C34.6495 33.6183 34.3315 33.75 34 33.75H26.5Z"
fill-opacity="0.2" />
d="M16.5 5.25C15.5717 5.25 14.6815 5.61875 14.0251 6.27513C13.3687 6.9315 13 7.82174 13 8.75V10.25H6.5C5.25736 10.25 4.25 11.2574 4.25 12.5V32.5C4.25 33.7426 5.25736 34.75 6.5 34.75H14H26.5H34C35.2426 34.75 36.25 33.7426 36.25 32.5V12.5C36.25 11.2574 35.2426 10.25 34 10.25H27.5V8.75C27.5 7.82174 27.1313 6.9315 26.4749 6.27513C25.8185 5.61875 24.9283 5.25 24 5.25H16.5ZM25.5 10.25V8.75C25.5 8.35218 25.342 7.97064 25.0607 7.68934C24.7794 7.40804 24.3978 7.25 24 7.25H16.5C16.1022 7.25 15.7206 7.40804 15.4393 7.68934C15.158 7.97064 15 8.35218 15 8.75V10.25H25.5ZM15 12.25H25.5V32.75H15V12.25ZM13 12.25H6.5C6.36193 12.25 6.25 12.3619 6.25 12.5V32.5C6.25 32.6381 6.36193 32.75 6.5 32.75H13V12.25ZM27.5 32.75V12.25H34C34.1381 12.25 34.25 12.3619 34.25 12.5V32.5C34.25 32.6381 34.1381 32.75 34 32.75H27.5Z"
fill="currentColor" />
<span class="custom-option-title"> Development </span>
<small> Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o. </small>
<input name="customRadioSvg" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioSvg2" />
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioSvg3">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<svg width="41" height="40" viewBox="0 0 41 40" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M15.25 17.5V15H5.25V17.5C5.25 18.8261 5.77678 20.0979 6.71447 21.0355C7.65215 21.9732 8.92392 22.5 10.25 22.5C11.5761 22.5 12.8479 21.9732 13.7855 21.0355C14.7232 20.0979 15.25 18.8261 15.25 17.5ZM35.25 17.5V15H25.25V17.5C25.25 18.8261 25.7768 20.0979 26.7145 21.0355C27.6521 21.9732 28.9239 22.5 30.25 22.5C31.5761 22.5 32.8479 21.9732 33.7855 21.0355C34.7232 20.0979 35.25 18.8261 35.25 17.5Z"
fill-opacity="0.2" />
d="M8.6875 6.25H31.8125C32.0837 6.25223 32.347 6.3415 32.5636 6.50466C32.7802 6.66782 32.9386 6.89623 33.0156 7.15625L35.25 15H5.25L7.48437 7.15625C7.56137 6.89623 7.71984 6.66782 7.93644 6.50466C8.15305 6.3415 8.41633 6.25223 8.6875 6.25V6.25Z"
stroke-linejoin="round" />
d="M6.25 15C6.25 14.4477 5.80228 14 5.25 14C4.69772 14 4.25 14.4477 4.25 15V17.5C4.25 19.0913 4.88214 20.6174 6.00736 21.7426C6.2389 21.9742 6.48743 22.1849 6.75 22.3734V32.5C6.75 33.0967 6.98705 33.669 7.40901 34.091C7.83097 34.5129 8.40326 34.75 9 34.75H31.5C32.0967 34.75 32.669 34.5129 33.091 34.091C33.513 33.669 33.75 33.0967 33.75 32.5V22.3734C34.0126 22.1849 34.2611 21.9742 34.4926 21.7426C35.6179 20.6174 36.25 19.0913 36.25 17.5V15C36.25 14.4477 35.8023 14 35.25 14C34.6977 14 34.25 14.4477 34.25 15V17.5C34.25 18.5609 33.8286 19.5783 33.0784 20.3284C32.8685 20.5384 32.6376 20.7226 32.3906 20.879C32.2918 20.9171 32.2004 20.9705 32.1196 21.0362C31.5486 21.338 30.9077 21.5 30.25 21.5C29.1891 21.5 28.1717 21.0786 27.4216 20.3284C26.6714 19.5783 26.25 18.5609 26.25 17.5V15C26.25 14.4477 25.8023 14 25.25 14C24.6977 14 24.25 14.4477 24.25 15V17.5C24.25 18.5609 23.8286 19.5783 23.0784 20.3284C22.3283 21.0786 21.3109 21.5 20.25 21.5C19.1891 21.5 18.1717 21.0786 17.4216 20.3284C16.6714 19.5783 16.25 18.5609 16.25 17.5V15C16.25 14.4477 15.8023 14 15.25 14C14.6977 14 14.25 14.4477 14.25 15V17.5C14.25 18.5609 13.8286 19.5783 13.0784 20.3284C12.3283 21.0786 11.3109 21.5 10.25 21.5C9.59233 21.5 8.95135 21.338 8.38041 21.0362C8.29955 20.9705 8.20823 20.9171 8.10933 20.879C7.86241 20.7226 7.63153 20.5384 7.42157 20.3284C6.67143 19.5783 6.25 18.5609 6.25 17.5V15ZM25.25 20.8167C25.0306 21.1474 24.7774 21.4578 24.4926 21.7426C23.3674 22.8679 21.8413 23.5 20.25 23.5C18.6587 23.5 17.1326 22.8679 16.0074 21.7426C15.7226 21.4578 15.4694 21.1474 15.25 20.8167C15.0306 21.1474 14.7774 21.4578 14.4926 21.7426C13.3674 22.8679 11.8413 23.5 10.25 23.5C9.7396 23.5 9.23591 23.435 8.75 23.3095V32.5C8.75 32.5663 8.77634 32.6299 8.82322 32.6768C8.87011 32.7237 8.93369 32.75 9 32.75H31.5C31.5663 32.75 31.6299 32.7237 31.6768 32.6768C31.7237 32.6299 31.75 32.5663 31.75 32.5V23.3095C31.2641 23.435 30.7604 23.5 30.25 23.5C28.6587 23.5 27.1326 22.8679 26.0074 21.7426C25.7226 21.4578 25.4694 21.1474 25.25 20.8167Z"
fill="currentColor" />
<span class="custom-option-title"> Native App </span>
<small>Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o.</small>
<input name="customRadioSvg" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioSvg3" />
Use class .custom-option-image
, .custom-option-image-radio
with .custom-option
and an image in custom radio options body to create a radio with image.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-image custom-option-image-radio">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioImg1">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<img src="../../assets/img/backgrounds/speaker.png" alt="radioImg" />
<input name="customRadioImage" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="customRadioImg1" id="customRadioImg1" checked />
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-image custom-option-image-radio">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioImg2">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<img src="../../assets/img/backgrounds/airpods.png" alt="radioImg" />
<input name="customRadioImage" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="customRadioImg2" id="customRadioImg2" />
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-image custom-option-image-radio">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioImg3">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<img src="../../assets/img/backgrounds/speaker.png" alt="radioImg" />
<input name="customRadioImage" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="customRadioImg3" id="customRadioImg3" />
Structure to create a basic custom option checkbox is same as basic custom option radio the only change is that you have to make it a custom checkbox instead of custom radio.
Refer below mentioned example for more info.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-basic">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customCheckTemp3">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckTemp3" checked />
<span class="custom-option-header">
<span class="h6 mb-0">Discount</span>
<span class="custom-option-body">
<small class="option-text"> Get 20% off on your next purchase. </small>
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-basic">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customCheckTemp4">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckTemp4" />
<span class="custom-option-header">
<span class="h6 mb-0">Updates</span>
<span class="custom-option-body">
<small> Get Updates regarding related products. </small>
Use class .custom-option-icon
with .custom-option
and add an icon inside body to create a custom option checkbox with icon.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customCheckboxIcon1">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<i class="icon-base ti tabler-folder"></i>
<span class="custom-option-title"> Backup </span>
<small> Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o. </small>
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckboxIcon1" checked />
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customCheckboxIcon2">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<i class="icon-base ti tabler-ban"></i>
<span class="custom-option-title"> Encrypt </span>
<small> Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o. </small>
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckboxIcon2" />
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customCheckboxIcon3">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<i class="icon-base ti tabler-lock"></i>
<span class="custom-option-title"> Site Lock </span>
<small> Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o. </small>
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckboxIcon3" />
SVG Icons
Creating Custom Options with SVG is same as creating custom options with icons all you have to do is place
instead of an icon.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customCheckboxSvg1">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<svg width="59" height="58" viewBox="0 0 59 58" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M48.9019 33.6218L41.7878 25.0804C42.0597 30.314 40.7683 36.4086 36.7808 43.364L43.5777 48.8015C43.8194 48.9935 44.1061 49.1205 44.4106 49.1706C44.7151 49.2207 45.0274 49.1922 45.3178 49.0879C45.6083 48.9835 45.8673 48.8067 46.0702 48.5742C46.2732 48.3417 46.4134 48.0612 46.4777 47.7593L49.2644 35.1625C49.3316 34.8954 49.3337 34.6161 49.2706 34.348C49.2076 34.08 49.0811 33.8309 48.9019 33.6218ZM10.2956 33.7578L17.4097 25.239C17.1378 30.4726 18.4292 36.5672 22.4167 43.5L15.6198 48.9375C15.3797 49.1294 15.0947 49.257 14.7916 49.3084C14.4885 49.3598 14.1773 49.3333 13.8873 49.2314C13.5973 49.1294 13.338 48.9554 13.1338 48.7256C12.9295 48.4958 12.7871 48.2179 12.7198 47.9179L9.93313 35.2984C9.86594 35.0313 9.8638 34.7521 9.92688 34.484C9.98995 34.2159 10.1164 33.9669 10.2956 33.7578Z"
opacity="0.2" />
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<span class="custom-option-title"> Design </span>
<small>Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o.</small>
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fill="currentColor" />
<span class="custom-option-title"> Development </span>
<small>Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o.</small>
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckboxSvg2" />
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-icon">
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fill="currentColor" />
<span class="custom-option-title"> Native App </span>
<small> Cake sugar plum fruitcake I love sweet roll jelly-o. </small>
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckboxSvg3" />
Use class .custom-option-image
, .custom-option-image-check
with .custom-option
and an image in custom checkbox options body to create a checkbox with image.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-image custom-option-image-check">
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<span class="custom-option-body">
<img src="../../assets/img/backgrounds/watch.png" alt="cbImg" />
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-image custom-option-image-check">
<input class="form-check-input " type="checkbox" value="" id="customCheckboxImg2" />
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customCheckboxImg2">
<span class="custom-option-body">
<img src="../../assets/img/backgrounds/phone.png" alt="cbImg" />
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check custom-option custom-option-image custom-option-image-check">
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<span class="custom-option-body">
<img src="../../assets/img/backgrounds/mac.png" alt="cbImg" />
Use contextual colors class .form-check-*
with .form-check
class to apply different color styles. Refer table below example for color options. Refer
Checkboxes & Radios Colors.
<div class="row w-75">
<div class="col-md mb-md-0 mb-2">
<div class="form-check form-check-success custom-option custom-option-basic">
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<span class="custom-option-header">
<span class="h6 mb-0">Basic</span>
<span class="custom-option-body">
<small>Get 1 project with 1 team member.</small>
<div class="col-md">
<div class="form-check form-check-success custom-option custom-option-basic">
<label class="form-check-label custom-option-content" for="customRadioVTemp2">
<input name="customRadioVariants" class="form-check-input" type="radio" value="" id="customRadioVTemp2" />
<span class="custom-option-header">
<span class="h6 mb-0">Premium</span>
<span>$ 5.00</span>
<span class="custom-option-body">
<small> Get 5 projects with 5 team members. </small>
Refer below mentioned for all the variables of custom-option.
Variable | Description |
$custom-option-padding |
Variable for custom option padding |
$custom-option-cursor |
Variable for custom option cursor type |
$custom-option-border-color |
Variable for custom option border color |
$custom-option-border-width |
Variable for custom option border width |
$custom-option-image-border-width |
Variable for custom option with image border width |
$custom-option-border-hover-color |
Variable for custom option border color on hover |