# FeatherIcon
You can use our custom feather icon component to render dynamically render any feather icon.
# Basic
You can render feather icons using icon
prop of feather-icon
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="InfoIcon" />
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="HomeIcon" />
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="UserIcon" />
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" />

# Change Size
To change the size of icon you can use size
prop. You can pass number in size
prop as string.
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" size="20" />
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" size="25" />
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" size="30" />
<feather-icon class="mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" size="35" />

# Changing Color
You can use Bootstrap's color classes to change color of SVG icon.
<feather-icon class="text-primary mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" />
<feather-icon class="text-success mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" />
<feather-icon class="text-warning mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" />
<feather-icon class="text-danger mr-1" icon="TwitterIcon" />

# With Badge
prop will allow you to pass content as badge to any icon. Default background color of badge is "primary". You can change background color of badge using badge-classes
<feather-icon badge="3" badge-classes="bg-primary" class="mr-1" icon="MessageSquareIcon" />
<feather-icon badge="5" badge-classes="bg-success" class="mr-1" icon="InstagramIcon" />
<feather-icon badge="2" badge-classes="bg-warning" class="mr-1" icon="AlertCircleIcon" />
<feather-icon badge="1" badge-classes="bg-danger" class="mr-1" icon="BellIcon" />
You can check demo in navbar on this (opens new window) page.
# Component API
# Props
Name | Description | Type | Parameters | Default |
icon | feather icon name | string/object | valid feather icon name | - |
size | size of icon | string | integer | 14 |
badge | badge content | string/object/number | - | null |
badgeClasses | classes for badge | string/object/array | - | badge-primary |