# Form Wizard

vue-form-wizard component is slightly modified to make it more beautiful. Let's have a glance.

# Requirement

Form wizard requires font icon version of feather icons. So please make sure you import feather font icons in your app if you are using form wizard.

// File: main.js


# Basic Wizard

We have modified the look of the wizard as per the template theme. Add vue-wizard.scss file for basic theme styles.

# Horizontal transparent step wizard

Add class steps-transparent along with <form-wizard> component for transparent background styling of steps.

# Vertical Wizard

Add layout="vertical" Prop for vertical layout wizard and add class wizard-vertical along with <form-wizard> component for theme styling.

# Vertical Transparent Wizard

Add class vertical-steps steps-transparent along with <form-wizard> component for transparent background styling of steps for the vertical wizard.

You can find all demos on this (opens new window) page.

Last Updated: 11/16/2022, 12:36:59 PM