# Navigation Menus

In this page you will find how to add/update navigation menu items.

# Vertical Navigation Menu

To update the vertical navigation menu items, update src/navigation/vertical/index.js file. We just created different files for different sections so we can find items easily. You can follow the same or just write the all the items in index.js file.

Let's understand how to create each navigation menu item:

You can create header using simple object with single property header:

  header: 'Apps & Pages',

This will create header section and will handle i18n. Value of header property will be used as key for i18n.

This will be the route link. For creating link follow below object structure:

  title: 'Email',
  route: 'apps-email',
  icon: 'MailIcon',

Let's understand what each property represents:

  • title property will be title (rendered text) of this link. This will be key for i18n.
  • route is vur-router's route name (opens new window).
  • icon property is name of feather icon which will get rendered.

You can also use route object as value of route property.

  title: 'John Doe',
  route: { name: 'apps-users-view', params: { id: 21 } },
  icon: 'UserIcon',

Besides internal route of app you can also create link for external sites:

  title: 'Documentation',
  href: 'https://demos.pixinvent.com/vuexy-vuejs-admin-template-vue2/documentation',
  icon: 'FileTextIcon',

This will create external link which will open this link in new tab using target="_blank" and also it will add rel="nofollow". Please note in above example we have used href property for external links and not route property.


You can also use target property in internal app route if you want to open your app's internal route in new tab, just like we did with authentication pages.

This will help you provide link for any type you wish in your navigation menu. Isn't it great. 😍

Rendering as child of Menu Group

If your navigation menu link is child of any navigation menu group then it will render circle as icon and if you provide any icon using icon property it will render as well but size of that icon will be smaller than normal icons.

So, don't provide icon property if your navigation link is child of navigation menu group.

Besides this feature, you can also add tag/badge to your link:

  title: 'Email',
  route: 'apps-email',
  icon: 'MailIcon',
  tag: 'new',
  tagVariant: 'light-success',

You can use tag and tagVariant property to render tag for link.

  • tag: property is used to render tag/badge text
  • tagVariant: This property is optional. Default variant for tag is primary. This property support Bootstrap's colors and also their respective light variants provided by our template.

There's also way to disable certain link if you don't want to allow navigation, just use disable property and set it to true.

  title: 'Disabled Menu',
  route: null,
  icon: 'EyeOffIcon',
  disabled: true,

For navigation menu group you can use below object:

  title: 'Dashboards',
  icon: 'HomeIcon',
  children: [
    // This is array of menu items or menu groups
    // NOTE: You can't use menu header as children

Let's understand what each property represents:

  • title property will be title of that group and it is key for i18n as well.
  • icon property is name of feather icon which will get rendered.
  • children property is group children. It can have menu items or menu groups as children.

This also support tag, tagVariant and disabled properties same as menu link.

Rendering as child of Menu Group

If menu group is child of menu group then it's icon property is optional just like rendering of menu link inside menu group.

# Horizontal Navigation Menu

To update horizontal navigation menu items, update src/navigation/horizontal/index.js file. Let's understand how to create horizontal navigation menu:

# Header

Creating header is little bit different than vertical navigation menu. You need to specify icon and children of header this time:

  header: 'Dashboards',
  icon: 'HomeIcon',
  children: [
    // This is array of menu items or menu groups
    // NOTE: You can't use menu header as children

All property purpose is same as vertical navigation menu.

Same as vertical navigation menu

You can also render menu link at top level outside of header just like vertical navigation menu's link don't need header on top of it.


Horizontal navigation menu don't support tag & tagVariant properties. This decision is made to make UI clutter free.

Same as vertical navigation menu

Use header if you want to create top level group for horizontal navigation menu.

# Adding ACL

You will learn how to show/hide navigation based items for different users in Access Control page.

Last Updated: 11/16/2022, 12:36:59 PM