# Content Renderer


If you are not using any of Email, Todo, Chat or eCommerce app then it is not required to check Content Renderer docs. Content renderer are only used in these four apps.

Besides layout type there is also content renderers which provides markup structure and slots to achieve some of our page structure (e.g. Chat App, Email App, ECommerce Shop, etc.)


Content renderers are not available in blank layout. It doesn't make sense in having content render because blank layout shall provide full freedom.

You might not need this but if you are using one of our application which uses this content renderer then you might use it for getting proper rendering page styles.


Search for contentRenderer string in src/router to find out which page/route uses different content renderer than default one.

Below is list of content renders':

  1. default: This is default content renderer. Mostly all pages in our template uses this default content renderer. There are high chances that you will always use this content renderer unless you use one of our application which uses different content renderer. This content renderer doesn't need any configuration.
  2. sidebar-left: This content renderer is used in Email App, ToDo app and Chat app for rendering left sidebar.
  3. sidebar-left-detached: This content renderer is used only in eCommerce Shop route. Again for rendering left sidebar but in detached mode.

sidebar-left and sidebar-left-detached content renderer have special requirement and that is usage of portal-vue (opens new window). With this we can render our left sidebar outside of content wrapper div.


<!-- ToDo Left Sidebar rendering in Todo.vue -->
<portal to="content-renderer-sidebar-left">
    :class="{'show': mqShallShowLeftSidebar}"
    @close-left-sidebar="mqShallShowLeftSidebar = false"

Above will teleport this <todo-left-sidebar> component in our structure's appropriate location to get accurate styles.

Let's check how to use both content renderer in case if you use them:

  1. Set contentRenderer route meta.


  path: '/apps/todo',
  name: 'apps-todo',
  component: () => import('@/views/apps/todo/Todo.vue'),
  meta: {
    contentRenderer: 'sidebar-left',
    contentClass: 'todo-application',

Teleport your content using portal-vue, use content-renderer-sidebar-left as value of to prop in your SFC.


<!-- ToDo Left Sidebar rendering in Todo.vue -->
<portal to="content-renderer-sidebar-left">
    :class="{'show': mqShallShowLeftSidebar}"
    @close-left-sidebar="mqShallShowLeftSidebar = false"

Everything inside this portal tag will render in left sidebar and other markup will render on right side of sidebar.

That's it. You are done. 🥂

This is used only in eCommerce app. So, this content render will be only useful in this app.

Set contentRenderer in route meta:


    path: '/apps/e-commerce/shop',
    name: 'apps-e-commerce-shop',
    component: () => import('@/views/apps/e-commerce/e-commerce-shop/ECommerceShop.vue'),
    meta: {
      contentRenderer: 'sidebar-left-detached',
      contentClass: 'ecommerce-application',
      pageTitle: 'Shop',
      breadcrumb: [...],

Teleport your content using portal-vue, use content-renderer-sidebar-detached-left as value of to prop in your SFC.


<!-- eCommerce shop left Sidebar in detached mode -->
<portal to="content-renderer-sidebar-detached-left">
Last Updated: 11/16/2022, 12:36:59 PM